USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity

Project Dates: June 2021 – June 2026
Women in Digital Transformation is excited to partner with Chemonics to implement the USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity!
The USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) continues USAID’s 15-year legacy of sector competitiveness programming, which includes the Competitiveness Enhancement and Economic Development I and II projects and the Moldova Competitiveness Project. FTA works with business associations and similar organizations to increase their organizational capacity, financial sustainability, and advocacy effectiveness and to improve the ecosystems for workforce development and investment. The project also collaborates with small- and medium-sized enterprises to increase their competitiveness, value-added exports, workforce skills for employment opportunities, access to finance, and climate resilience.
Women in Digital Transformation (WinDt) will contribute to FTA by assessing the economy’s level of digital inclusion to identify gaps and constraints and develop interventions that maximize the inclusion of otherwise disadvantaged groups, including women, youth, people with disabilities, and the LGBTQ community. WInDt will provide our expertise on promoting and supporting women’s adoption of digital technologies, especially among entrepreneurs, investors, and business owners, and building MSMEs to capacity to use digital technologies effectively.