Who we are

Women in Digital Transformation LLC (WinDt Consulting) is a women-owned and operated start-up, established to help drive digital transformation in developing countries and support full inclusion of women in the social and economic digital transitions underway worldwide.
We are policymakers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, researchers, analysts, managers and leaders with decades of project experience across the digital development spectrum: digital government; business and innovation; capacity-building; digital literacy and skills development; strengthening enabling environment. We are passionate about leveraging digital technologies to empower women’s lives.
We work with governments to understand the benefits and overcome the barriers to women’s full inclusion in the digital transformation underway in their countries and communities.
We partner with donors, development agencies, development companies and nonprofits to center and amplify women + digital in their development programs and projects.
We collaborate with businesses to create innovative, effective, sustainable solutions designed to achieve women’s full inclusion in the digital economy and society.
Global Level
- Developed the UN E-Government Survey (UNDESA)
- Contributed to Governance Innovation for Sustainable Development
- Assessed the Impact of ICT on Development (WSIS and MDGs)
- Measured the Impact of WSIS Actions Lines
- Contributed to the Intelligent Governance of Smart Cities Developing Capacity for Government Information Leadership
- Developed course modules on Technology-enabled Governance Transformation and Strategic Management, Strategic Planning and Management, Program and Project management for e-Government Knowledge Management for Public Administration, and guidelines for trainers
- Conducted digital government training programs for senior government officials from various developing countries
- Contributed to the development of the Global Open Data Readiness Assessment methodology (ODRA)\
- Contributed to the methodology, assessment tools and pilots of the Global Smart Nation Program to inform decision-making on governments’ national digital development strategies and policies in developing countries
- Advised on the design, framework, methodology and piloting of the Global Digital Government Assessment (DGRA) toolkit. The DGRA framework is organized around nine assessment pillars: digital leadership and governance; user-centered design; public administration and change management capabilities; digital culture and skills; technology infrastructure; data infrastructure, strategies and governance; cybersecurity, privacy and digital resilience; legislation and regulation; and digital ecosystem. The findings of DGRAs are used to inform preparation of countries’ national strategies for transition to digital government strategies
- Developed conceptual framework for assessing digital economy readiness across various pillars: connectivity, digital infrastructure, digital platforms and services, policies and regulations, leadership and institutions, adoption of new technologies, innovations, digital business and digital skills, digital dividends (economic and social benefits).
- Advised on the design, methodology and piloting of the Global Digital Economy Country Assessment (DECA) tool for benchmarking purpose
- Developed and piloted Digital Economy Strategy Assessment toolkit (DESA) for strategic planning in developing countries.
- Organized series of expert consultations for governments and key stakeholders in developing countries on various digital transformation benefits, issues and challenges
- Resource mobilization for digital transformation programs and projects through various grant applications (Korean-World Bank Partnership Facility, Digital Development Partnership,
- China – World Bank Partnership Facility, Green Growth Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building, etc.
- Analyzed gaps and barriers in telecommunications regulatory frameworks of Eastern Partnership countries and provided recommendations for improving broadband development outcomes under EU4Digital program
- Contributed to the EU project on Policy Modeling and Governance (eGovPoliNet) focusing on improving stakeholders engagement in policy cycle
- Advised on the development and implementation of the Regional Digital Central Asia South Asia (Digital CASA) Program. Digital CASA Regional Program aims to increase access to more affordable internet, crowd-in private investment, and improve participating government’s capacity to deliver digital government services in Central Asia and parts of South Asia, through the development of a regionally integrated digital infrastructure and enabling environment.
- The expected outcomes of Digital CASA Regional Program include:
- Increase in the number of people provided with access to the Internet.
- Significant social benefits related to more efficient delivery of services and enhanced citizen participation, including in health, education, among others.
- Increase in the number of e-Services and Applications Utilizing the Shared Services Platform.
- Development of the ICT sector and digital job opportunities through increased productivity of firms, technological innovations across industries.
- Facilitation of cross-border trade of knowledge, products (e.g. e-commerce) services across the region.
- Generation of indirect government revenue sources.
- Designed and supported implementation of the Digital Resilience Program.
- Developed conceptual framework for catalyzing Central Asia Digital Resilience Academy (CADRA), including partnership and skills framework based on research and analysis of existing practices
Regional Level
- Advised on the development and implementation of the Regional Digital Central Asia South Asia (Digital CASA) Program. Digital CASA Regional Program aims to increase access to more affordable internet, crowd-in private investment, and improve participating government’s capacity to deliver digital government services in Central Asia and parts of South Asia, through the development of a regionally integrated digital infrastructure and enabling environment.
The expected outcomes of Digital CASA Regional Program include:- Increase in the number of people provided with access to the Internet.
- Significant social benefits related to more efficient delivery of services and enhanced citizen participation, including in health, education, among others.
- Increase in the number of e-Services and Applications Utilizing the Shared Services Platform.
- Development of the ICT sector and digital job opportunities through increased productivity of firms, technological innovations across industries.
- Facilitation of cross-border trade of knowledge, products (e.g. e-commerce) services across the region.
- Generation of indirect government revenue sources.
- Designed and supported implementation of the Digital Resilience Program.
- Developed conceptual framework for catalyzing Central Asia Digital Resilience Academy (CADRA), including partnership and skills framework based on research and analysis of existing practices
- Provided analytical services and policy recommendations for the Eurasian Economic Union’s Digital Agenda 2025. Prepared a study of international best practices, existing national digital initiatives of the EAEU member states and anticipated economic impact of developing the EAEU digital space . Based on study findings and recommendations, the Eurasian
- Economic Commission developed and adopted its EAEU 2025 Digital Agenda.
- Advised on set of digital development indicators for monitoring and evaluation of the EAEU Digital Agenda implementation based on best global practice
Country Level
- Provided inputs to the evaluation of the EU-funded EGOV Capacity Building activities in China
- Conducted series of trainings on E-Government Development for high- level officials
- Led knowledge management readiness assessment in public organizations in Macau SAR, China and advised on implementing guidelines for Knowledge Management Practice in Public
- Organizations in Macau SAR , China
- Co-organised international conference on E-Government Theory and Practice (ICEGOV) in Beijing, China
- Analyzed legal and regulatory gaps and barriers to developing a conducive environment for IT sector development and provided recommendations and hands-on support for regulatory changes to improve Intellectual Property protections and IT sector development
- Designed and delivered digital skills initiatives for small and medium businesses, which was conducted from IT corporations such as Microsoft and Adobe Systems
Analyzed gaps and barriers in telecommunications sector’s institutional and regulatory frameworks relative to global best practices and provided recommendations on priority reforms to improve market competition and investment in broadband infrastructure and expand access and inclusion, particularly for rural and under-served populations
- Conducted Country Digital Development Assessment, which includes assessment of country digital infrastructure and digital services, strategies and policies, legislation and regulation, leadership and institutions, digital skills
- Advised on the National Digital Government strategy and implementation program development including visionion and strategy development workshops
- Delivered series of training on e-government development for high-level government officials
Analyzed gaps and barriers in telecommunications sector’s institutional and regulatory frameworks and provided recommendations on priority reforms to improve the enabling environment for broadband infrastructure investment and expanding access and inclusion, particularly for rural and under-served populations
- Conducted Digital Economy Strategic Assessment (DESA), which was used by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of Armenia to prepare and adopt its Digital Armenia Transformation
- Agenda . The DESA assesses countries’ digital and non-digital foundations for successful digital transformation, e.g., policy and legislation, human capacity, digital adoption by sectors of economy, digital infrastructure and benchmarked the public, private and social sectors’ digital maturity and provided recommendations for the Digital Armenia Transformation Agenda
- Analyzed gaps and barriers in telecommunications sector’s institutional and regulatory frameworks relative to global best practices and provided recommendations on priority reforms to improve market competition and investment in ing broadband infrastructure and expand access and inclusion, particularly for rural and under-served populations
- Conducted the Open Data Readiness Assessment (ODRA) and provided recommendations for country open data roadmap
- Assessed the digital government readiness and advised policy makers on digital transformation of public sector
- Conducted a Digital Economy Strategic Assessment that benchmarked the public, private and social sectors’ digital maturity and provided recommendations on priorities for the National
- Digital Transformation Strategy development
- Contributed to the Digital CASA Uzbekistan project design
- Performed telecommunications sector analysis and provided recommendations to the Government of Uzbekistan on global best practices and experience in institutional, legal and regulatory reforms
- USAID Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA): Conduct a DECA, with closer look on subnational and sectoral levels, prepare a report on the country’s current state of digital development and provide recommendations for USAID/Uzbekistan engagements to strengthen and support the digital ecosystem.
- The Gender Digital Divide Assessment was conducted as a part of a joint project of UNDP and the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “Promoting Digital Transformation in Uzbekistan,” which aims to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Uzbekistan to promote inclusive digital transformation. Gender Digital Divide Assessment used Gender Digital Divide Index Framework and utilized desk research, expert interviews, and online and offline surveys used as the primary data collection tools, identified gaps for women’s inclusion, and provided recommendations.
- Analyzed legal and regulatory gaps and barriers to developing a conducive environment for IT sector development and provided recommendations and hands-on support for regulatory changes to improve intellectual property protections and IT sector development
- Designed and delivered digital skills initiatives for small and medium businesses, which was conducted from IT corporations such as Microsoft and Adobe Systems
- Analyzed legal and regulatory gaps and barriers to developing a conducive environment for IT sector development and provided recommendations and hands-on support for regulatory changes to improve intellectual protections and IT sector development
- Designed and delivered digital skills initiatives for small and medium businesses, which was conducted from IT corporations such as Microsoft and Adobe Systems
USAID Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA): Conduct a DECA, with closer look on subnational and sectoral levels, prepare a report on the country’s current state of digital development and provide recommendations for USAID/Zambia engagements to strengthen and support the digital ecosystem.
Provided advisory services for the Digital Government strategic planning and implementation
- Analyzed legal and regulatory barriers to the IT sector’s development and provided recommendations and hand-on support for regulatory changes to ensure a conducive environment for
- Intellectual Property protection and IT sector development
- Designed and delivered digital skills initiatives for small and medium-sized businesses, which was conducted from IT corporations such as Microsoft and Adobe Systems
- Co-organised international conference on E-Government Theory and Practice (ICEGOV) in Cairo, Egypt
- Analyzed the Digital Transformation progress in Kazakhstan, gaps and opportunities
- Provided advisory support to the design and development of the National Digital Kazakhstan Progra, which was adopted in 2017
- Provided expert support for e-government development on its initial stage
- Analyzed best practices of Finland, Korea and USA for Government Data Management and provided recommendations for Kazakhstan Data Strategy
- Conducted series of expert consultations with government agencies and key stakeholders on Digital Economy impact assessment and AI driven innovations
- Advised IT companies and communication agencies to improve digital marketing, communication and social media strategies
- Analyzed legal and regulatory gaps and barriers to developing a conducive environment for IT sector development and provided recommendations and hands-on support for regulatory changes to improve intellectual property protections and IT sector development
- Designed and delivered digital skills initiatives for small and medium businesses, which was conducted from IT corporations such as Microsoft and Adobe Systems
Analyzed legal and regulatory gaps and barriers to developing a conducive environment for IT sector development and provided recommendations and hands-on support for regulatory changes to improve Intellectual Property protections and IT sector development
- Identified and assessed options for international cooperation for venture capital investments and business development for high-tech startups as a part of “Make in India” initiative
- Assessed the public food services distribution system in the State of Madhya Pradesh and provided policy recommendations, including digital enablers options
- Conducted Digital Economy Strategic Assessment that benchmarked the public, private and social sectors’ digital maturity and provided recommendations on key goals and indicators for the Digital Tajikistan National Program
- Conducted Smart City Assessment of Dushanbe City to contribute to the development of “Smart Dushanbe” initiative
- Contributed to Identification for Development (ID4D) Diagnostic and final report with recommendations for the country identification system development
- Advised on institutional, legal and regulatory best practices for driving investment and expansion of the telecommunications sector
- Researched and developed gender-inclusive digital skills initiative with recommendations for stakeholder inclusion
- Conducted series of expert consultations with government agencies and key stakeholders on digital transformation, including leadership and institutions, strategic communications, change management, impact assessment, digital skills, smart city, identification and registration, cyber security, digital platforms and smart solutions, telecom sector development
- Provided support for Election Administration and Political, Civil Society Development Programs
- USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity: Assess the economy’s level of digital inclusion to identify gaps and constraints and develop interventions that maximize the inclusion of otherwise disadvantaged groups; provide expertise on encouraging women-owned businesses’ adoption of digital technologies.
- Contributed to the country E-Government Readiness Assessment and co-authored an analytical report on digital government progress
- Provided policy recommendations for advancing E-Government development in Bulgaria
Design the curriculum and provide instruction in an online workshop on building civil society’s capacity to address the gender digital divide.
- Analyzed legal and regulatory gaps and barriers to developing a conducive environment for IT sector development and provided recommendations and hands-on support for regulatory changes to improve Intellectual Property protections and IT sector development
- Provided consultancy support for international IT players entering the market
- Researched the best international practices of venture capital market development and setups for high-tech startup ecosystems to inform development of Cyberjaya project
- Assessed the market relevance for selected IT solutions and national development institutions terms and conditions for high-tech startups from Russia entering the market
Assessed national regulation of the IT sector and provide recommendations for innovative approaches in Intellectual Property protection
USAID’s Equitable AI Challenge: Addressing Gender Inequity in Artificial Intelligence
USAID’s challenge aimed to source innovative approaches to prevent and respond to gender inequity in AI. This project, which is being run under Digital Frontiers, is meant to help decision-makers (such as designers, buyers, sellers, regulators, and users of AI technology) identify and address actual and potential gender biases in artificial AI tools.
Researched national development institutions terms and conditions for business development and provided recommendations for international organizations in entering the market
- Contributed to the development of the first National ICT Strategy
- Development of the first E-Government portal
- Conducted the Open Data Readiness Assessment (ODRA), Transport Data Assessment (TDA) and provided recommendations for country open data roadmap
- Conducted series of expert consultations with government agencies and key stakeholders on digital transformation, including leadership and institutions, strategic communications, change management, impact assessment, digital skills, digital resilience, cyber security, risk assessment, digital platforms and smart solutions, digital government platform and services, interoperability and enterprise architecture, Government Cloud
- Assessed the Digital Government readiness and advised policy makers on digital transformation of public sector
- Conducted Country Digital Development Assessment and advised on the development of the first National digital transformation strategy Taza Koom
- Led and co-authored pre-design studies for the Digital CASA – Kyrgyzstan project
- Conducted Country Digital Economy Strategy Assessment and provided recommendations and expert support for National Digital Kyrgyzstan Program
- Provided advisory support for Digital Resilience Program development and implementation: technical assistance for establishing a security/resilience operations; support for capacity building and catalysing the Central Asia Digital Resilience Institute; implementation support for mainstreaming digital resilience in the Digital CASA – Kyrgyz Republic Project
- Developed and implemented the e-Municipality system
- Automated of the nation-wide land and real property registration system
- Developed training on digital transformation management
- Developed and implemented training program on project management for municipal authorities
- Developed and implemented communications strategy for UNICEF MICS
- Designed and directed first Public Relations Degree Program at the Kyrgyz National University, including preparation of teachers and lecturers
- Analysed Digital Government development progress and delivered Digital Government Analytical Report
- Conducted and piloted Digital Economy Country Assessment
- Co-authored Digital Economy Report “Competing in the Digital Age: Policy Implications for the Russian Federation”
- Rolled out Digital Economy Assessment on a sub-national level (Ulyanovskaya oblast and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra)
- Provided advisory support for Digital Economy National Program development
- Analysed the state of the data economy in the country and delivered Data Policy Report
- Researched and developed gender-inclusive digital skills program on a sub-national level
- Advised on the digital infrastructure and digital systems architecture development for government and private organizations
- Designed and delivered IPR training for IT companies, government officials, and enforcement agencies under Microsoft Corporation
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