- Contributed to the development of the Global Open Data Readiness Assessment methodology (ODRA)\
- Contributed to the methodology, assessment tools and pilots of the Global Smart Nation Program to inform decision-making on governments’ national digital development strategies and policies in developing countries
- Advised on the design, framework, methodology and piloting of the Global Digital Government Assessment (DGRA) toolkit. The DGRA framework is organized around nine assessment pillars: digital leadership and governance; user-centered design; public administration and change management capabilities; digital culture and skills; technology infrastructure; data infrastructure, strategies and governance; cybersecurity, privacy and digital resilience; legislation and regulation; and digital ecosystem. The findings of DGRAs are used to inform preparation of countries’ national strategies for transition to digital government strategies
- Developed conceptual framework for assessing digital economy readiness across various pillars: connectivity, digital infrastructure, digital platforms and services, policies and regulations, leadership and institutions, adoption of new technologies, innovations, digital business and digital skills, digital dividends (economic and social benefits).
- Advised on the design, methodology and piloting of the Global Digital Economy Country Assessment (DECA) tool for benchmarking purpose
- Developed and piloted Digital Economy Strategy Assessment toolkit (DESA) for strategic planning in developing countries.
- Organized series of expert consultations for governments and key stakeholders in developing countries on various digital transformation benefits, issues and challenges
- Resource mobilization for digital transformation programs and projects through various grant applications (Korean-World Bank Partnership Facility, Digital Development Partnership,
- China – World Bank Partnership Facility, Green Growth Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building, etc.