Development Organizations and Civil Society
To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for women’s equality, development organizations need to move past fragmented, siloed approaches to addressing gender disparities across economic and social outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic has made evident that digital inclusion is critical for sustainable, meaningful development impact. No program, project or activity is complete without a significant women and digital component.
Women in Digital Transformation takes a holistic approach to identifying and addressing the specific barriers and opportunities for women’s full social and economic inclusion in digital transformation in each country. Our innovative assessment and diagnostic tool analyzes the digital gender divide through the lens of women’s life-cycle, from pre-school age through retirement. We assess barriers and opportunities for women as adopters and users of digital technologies, developers and designers, and leaders and champions of digital transformation. Our tool can be adapted to gather and analyze relevant data for specific economic sectors such as agriculture, energy and healthcare, as well as municipal governments. We work across the stakeholder community to identify, design and implement context-specific, high-impact, data-driven solutions to bridging the digital gender divide. We incorporate the Principles for Digital Development at every stage of the process.

Advise on integration of women and digital in institutional strategies, policies, project implementation cycle
Identify country-specific digital gender divide challenges and design and implement new programs/projects/activities to bridge the digital gender divide, including data collection and development indicators, knowledge and capacity-building trainings
Support work with governments on national strategies and approaches to bridging digital gender divide/mainstreaming at intersection of digital and women
Support advisory work to clients on their national/local strategies, policies and approaches to bridging digital gender divide, mainstreaming activities at intersection of digital and women across projects/sectors Prepare institutional communications, conduct knowledge trainings on digital gender divide
Connect with potential private sector partners
Identify context-specific digital gender divide challenges and design and implement activities to address them, including capacity-building and trainings
Engage cross-sectoral stakeholders, raise awareness
Support grant application/proposals development and submission
Build coalitions with global
Connect with potential private sector partners
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We are based in Washington, DC.
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